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{♥}Nothing is the best, stay in my memory.


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Huang Peishan ; Gemini
9th June 1992
Primary School: Min Xin Primary School & Geylang Methodist Primary School
Msn & Friendster: peishan_92@hotmail.com.
About me: i'm attached and being love deeply by my boyf. I enjoy freedom and easily being cheer up with jus sweeties !


Good O level results
going overseas for holidays
lap top
special bdae celebration(s)
never ending love with boyf
longer and perm hair





June 2008
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August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
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August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009


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Thursday, November 19, 2009

finally, i found e time to update my blog. my hse com was down.

woohoo ~ O lvl is finally over. but i guess, i shouldnt hold high hopes on my results. wad can a person score without studying and understand e topics at all ? i wonder. but at least, i pray hard tat i would not fail badly. sigh. although O lvl is over, yet, e burden on my shoulder isnt let go. find job is another challenge. yea, i should not be rotting at home. well, it hard to find job wib ur expected pay nowadays. and, somemore, i'm damn lazy. after O lvl, i'm slacking my life and time throughout. sleep, went frenz hse, eat is all i did. feel so sian of my life. i wanna work earn money.

wad is love exactly ? i getting blur of it. every relationship, outsiders wun noe. how abt mine ? a pretty cover page does not mean e story was beautiful and lovely, it may hab some ugly truth inside. well, how do i derserve to be treated ? with care ? with warm ? i dunnoe. if reali broken up. isit reali my fault ? who noe how am i feeling ? who noe my secret and wad i hab gone through. e pain, e heart breaks. sometimes, i jus need a simple hug. jus bc0s you think tat it is not important, so it does not matter ? sigh. my heart is gonna be dead. lots and lots of things to say in my heart. yet, using words is undescribeable. wad am i to you ? i done my part in salvage e relationship. am i still attitude ? am i still childish ? am i still unreasonable ? yes, i admit, SOMETIMES. but why cant you be e one who are ? why always me ? you always right and i always wrong, tat e logic and fact to you. you nvr reflect wad you did. pushing all e blames to me. hais.

再美的故事,也有结局。 就算再舍不得,也没有用。当你已经不知道自己是谁是, 当你失去自我是, 当你无依无靠是,你的心即将随着时间慢慢死去。千言万语在我心中, 开心, 愤怒, 伤心, 我能找谁倾诉?


Blogged @ 3:07 AM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

yeah, finally got e time to update my blog.

hab been missing school alot. ah gong go in and out e hospital. well, e hospital he was being sent too totally sux like hell. they dun even took care of him. alway say he is fine and ready to discharge but within half a day, he was being sent back again. they jus dun take responsibility. our family is damn du lan wib it. money was being spent and yet nth done. x-ray was done, medicine was given, but when he discharge, e medicine change again. meaning we cant use e first one. sometime, he jus took e medicine once or none at all. it jus waste of money. i hope, they will check properly dhen let him discharge.

well, ytd O lvl english is quite difficult. sigh. wondering how would i score. todae maths is normal. luckily, i got a tutor to help me in last minute revision. thks to him i am able to do better. but i got not enough time to finish it. i'm dead ! grrr. i did not mug and study at all. hopeless man !

well, i am gonna to take a rest. tmr battle again ! jiay0u !


Blogged @ 8:12 PM

Friday, October 2, 2009

i'm still sick till todae, coughing and sneezing non-stop. well, one thing happen to my family ytd. my ah gong, was seriosly sick. he was being hospitalized and is dangerous in every minute. he vomitted blood, which is black and even he poo poo oso got blood. i didnt know till my kor told me ytd night. i rmb few days back, he ask me jus to go down buy coke for him, but i was reluctant. iecon was jus located at my hse downstair, yet i was so lazy. n0w, i feel bad. wad can i do to amend ? i dunn0e whether if i buy is correct or not. ytd morning, he told my father to take money from his bank ask him buy ciggeratte dhen e rest gib him. my father ask him why, he said, he wun b able to use it. i left for school, my kor and father left for work, and his alone at home. daddy was back 3 to 4 hrs later, and found him lying on the floor crawling. my father panicked and ask him wad he trying to do. my ah gong say, he wan to go 10th floor and jump down as e pain is too hard for him to endure. so my father called ambulance.

todae, e hospital called say my ah gong in a dangerous state. yet, they haven even take x-ray for him. lots of medical check up will be done. but they say my ah gong stomach bleed and high sugar level, and kidney failure so he have to go on dialysis. but e problem was not solve easily as e doctor say due to e high sugar intake, dialysis for him is very dangerous. till todae, he was still vommit blood. but right n0w, he was feeling better and in a clear state. but sooner, he have to go for several operation. sigh, praying he will get through.

as i was very emotional, i was crying when i went sleep ytd night. many thing flashback in my mind. although sometimes, i think tat my ah gong irritating, dirty or wad ever, but he reali treat me very good. giving me money when he got work. even though, he might did wrong in e past to his children, by when ppl are walking to their end of life, tat does not matter anymore, it jus hoping for him to stay alive. although we staying under one roof, we are close but not tat close. i'm a crybaby, i feel devastated. i'm going to visit him soon. i dun wan any regret to him in my life.

life is fragile, you might not know when is ur turn walking toward to e end of life. treasure everything, before it suddenly disappear in ur life, and tat will b a life-ling regret. and wad you did after, it pointless and it cant make any amendments.

O level is in 24 days time. yet, i'm not prepare. i did not feel e sense of urgency. i dunn0e why. sometimes, i feel like giving up. but i see my ah gong struggling to live in e hospital, it inspire me. my ah gong, use to gamble and cause their children cant go school, and i believe he regretted deep down in his heart, but it jus tat he no courage to say sorry. well, i know, he will encourage me to study hard and score well. i will try to.


Blogged @ 9:41 AM

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

yeah, my blog is rotting. well. recently hab been skipping school. feel no use of going school. i skipped my prelim exams. hopeless right ? no choice. went back school ytd. was rotting whole day. nth to do too. my result was like shit. expected. todae, didnt went school. went to take mc as i was having serious flu and sore throat. doctor gib me 2 days mc. cant speak as i have no voice. so xinku. sight.

i'm going to sleep. byes ~


Blogged @ 4:16 PM

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

yeah ! finally got time to be back in blogging. sigh ! didnt do much in september holiday. i jus thrown my book into my bag and cupboard to rot. i didnt even touch it. i tell myself no matter how oso much study, too bad, temptation of going out is strong. i went out almost everyday. ton every night. cycling, mahjonging and toning i did almost everyday. it was filled wib boredom but luckily, boyf was wib me. went bowling on one of e day wib boyf, yishi and cripple leonard. onli 3 of us playe except for e cripple, spoilt mood. me and yishi ball keep washing e drain. -.-'' so paiseh. our total score not even win our boyf. went acrade to play. boyf catch bear for me. so cute of him. i thought he is lousy. but he manage to catch 2 of it. love him. leonard oso catch one for yishi. dhen cab home and mahjong.

didnt turn out for remedial in e holiday. wondering how am i going to flunked my prelim. well, hard work did pay right ? sometimes, i wonder, am i lucky to score well sometimes or i am born clever ? hahas, i guess i am jus plain lucky. i told myself to work hard and not to disappoint teacher, but i jus simply cant force myself tostudy. grrr, sometime, i jus hate myself. for being a coward of running from studies.

went cycling to bedok jetty. was very tired yet boyf see no help me ask me to jiay0u. grrr. heartless him. come back still bring me walk long way. awww, my muscle aching !

went fishing at pasir ris park one of e day in e holiday. got sun burn without standing in e sun. wtf. it irritates me as my skin started to peel off. grr. a guy who was at there, keep competing wib us see who catch more. -.-'' at least, boyf catch a big one. i was bored at there, stay there more dhen 9 hrs i estimated. alot of patient from me.

ohhs well. a guy pissed me off in e holiday. damn irritating and got no dignity. he took no. from me. dhen we got disgreement in each other and thus, i get him not to contact me anymore. but, he everytime try luck to msg me. saying until like we very close. like to say, i am ____, you forgotten me already. during the holiday, he call my boyf. -.-'' asking him got any job intro. i say even got oso wun intro stranger right. did i say wrong ? dhen i say he very irritating. ask him to grow mature abit. dhen he say tat i am not mature and whether i noe any sec 3 called joan. dhen i replied, i didntsay i am mature, but i not like him no dignity and shameless. i have been kind in my words to him already. but he got over my limit of tolerance. i wanna fcuk care him, dhen he replied tat if i got dignity, i wun gib boyf any attitude. wad's tat gonna to do wib attitude ? i ask him whether he mean joan as joanna and he said my school volley ball girls more chio. dhen i ask him name me who and ask him dun tr to be smart aleck. he didnt reply and my boyf clled him and he switch off phone. so timid still dare wanna scold ppl. he wan commented on my looks, when take no. say so much. so i ask him to urine and take a good look of himself. spopilt my mood, deprived my happy mood. grrr !

many thing have happen. classmates are not getting along well. i dun wanna side who. i dun wanna get involve, it is none of my business. i dunn0e wad misunderstanding we got in between tat you are treating me cold. i dun wanna lose any frenz. i n0e you are beinbg mistreated, i n0e ur suffering, i n0e wad are you grumbling abt, yet, i cannot do anything. sigh. does tat mean i can onli choose one of you both ? i wanna talk to you, wanna console you, but you are n0w like a cold wall, shutting all ur emotions. sometime, you will tell me ur problems, i misses e day, we are close. i pray and hope, tis situation wun last long.

frenz can back stab each other for their jealously. sigh, wad make a strong friendship ? making use of each other ? saying bad things ? back stab ? who dun need a best frenz who understand him/her. tis society, let me see many ppl wib ugly side, yet, i onli can act silly and dumb of it. things who see pretty from outside or to others, have a ugly truth. boyf say i am too naive, believe wad ppl say easily, get bully oso wun say out. yeah, tis is way ppl took advantage of me. i feel hurt in e way they treated me, whos ever know ?

lastly, i feel sorry to mr goh. chemistry paper was quite easy, yet i didnt study at all. well, i admit i am hopeless. wad to do ? things aren't going smoothy. sigh. i am turning my blog into personal recount jus for tis post. i am too emotional.


Blogged @ 11:02 PM

Monday, August 31, 2009

saturday went paya lebar there find boyf. after tat, went buy octopus ball and kfc. e night market was damn cramp lahs. so hot too. me and boyf was having bickering. l0lols, we are damn lame. after tat, cab back auntie hse. play mahjong for e whole night. well. i'm energetic. went home in e sunday morning. watch show till 4 plus. finally, was too tired and so my eyes was close and soon, fallen into my dreamland. wake up at 10 plus, call boyf. but he kept ask me to sleep. so i went. i was quite disappointed wib him. sigh.

i overslept todae, so didnt went school. i slept for 18 hrs in total. i not purposely wan skip school. think teacher called me. boyf say until i purposely dun wanna go. fine l0r. having quarrel wib him. sometimes, i reali wonder, did he reali believe me. he jus kept doubting my words. saying i broke my promises. yeah. i did broke it. he nvr break his promises before. well, he onli n0e how to say me but not himself. wad ever. i'm too angry to blog anything now. byes !


Blogged @ 5:05 PM

Friday, August 28, 2009

yeah, finally i'm done up with my blog. so fcuk up when doing it. damn blogger. anyway, having english and geography papers on tuesday. e english passage was -.-'' hard plus e combination of e question = flunked ! same with geography. i see no hope in my prelim. most subject sure 100% flunked ! wed maths and physic paper. maths was surprisingly quite easy, but no time to finish. physic paper was e most hard paper i ever did. i didnt even noe 1 questions of it man ! damn it ! everyone was complaining and groaning abt e physic paper. if got zero for it, i would not be surprised.

few days back ago, went paya lebar there derhs night market. n0e wad ? my boyf starting to play with e games down there. childish l0rhs. he's playing gun. e game sux lahs,cheating ppl money we need to shoot EXACTLY at the middle, cannot touch e boarder. dhen eat italian ice cream, i guess ? you n0e that kind of sticky ice cream that stick onto the cone ? it only $2, me and boyf thought he will do some tricks, but none of it being displayed. disappointed.

went 'JIA TOU' ytd with boyf. e food was quite nice lahs. boyf wanna buy e martell cordon blue small one with metals bar at 2 sides. it's very chio lahs. he shout $1000 but when eperson going say until e third times, ppl shout price again. $1200. so we let them. boyf went toilet, and another big martell with metals bar was being sold by $1088. it very cheap l0rhs. boyf was regretted of going to toilet that time. hahaas. no choice, we got to buy something, to protect and bless us for things to go smoothly. so in e end, we buy a martell + rice for $500. boyf jus shout out $500 whe e price only being shout till $200 plus ? dhen he keep complaining. hahaas, serve him right ! dh cab back auntie hse mahjong. todae no exam = no school = holiday ! but was doing blog whole day.

guys, pls motivate me to study. i keep slacking. sigh.

well, i'm tired, going take a nap and meet boyf for dinner.


Blogged @ 5:14 PM