recently, was quarreling over small little bit thing wib boyf. sigh, you nvr n0e how much i love you. times and times, i wish to let go, but i cant, reali i cant. since e day, i cry so bitterly for wad you hab done, you hab say, as you hab threaten me. i wan to go, but i cant lie to myself say i can let you go. i wish all things will gone, and we will b fine.
almost every day went home late. went to pei boyf help uncle, playing mahjong, hab been neglecting my school work. ah ha, gonna work very hard to get good result.
went out on last sunday wib my 3 BESTIES. know wad, they're simply irreplacable. i love them lots. i know i've been neglecting them sometimes, long time didnt went out tgt lia0s. i felt so happy, well. got someone say ask us dun b late, but she was e one who late. l0lols. after tat went marina, intention of catching movie, but after some little dicussion, we decided go play L4D instead. so went NEW YORK NEW YORK eat. wan eat yuki yaki derhs, but it got time limit, so we dun wan. NYNY is nice, but onli e mussels. no offence. headed to bugis, pei yishi buy her things, dhen she and jiemin go look for frenz, and me and huiying went shisha to wait for them. me and huiying was falling asleep as we are very tired and we are in a comfortable place. so yishi and jiemin chose to shisha coke plus mint. e smoke was unpleasent to me. somehow, e waiter take e whole plastic wib e cake inside come out. l0lols. spoilt yishi derhs plan. but i was very surprised, lots of words i wanted to say, but is too mushy to say out. i reali grateful to them, i reali love them and thks them for everything. after tat, jiemin wan go find her frenz so didnt went for L4D. went to bus stop, our bus 63 is gone, but huiying and yishi bus come shortly, they are so happy tat our bus is gone but their bus reach early dhen us. luckily, our bus come right after them again. whoots. chatted on bus wib jiemin. long time didnt catch up lia0s. after tat, boyf come bus stop meet me, dhen rode me go eat and after tat went ubi help uncle. dhen went leonard hse slept.