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{♥}Nothing is the best, stay in my memory.


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Huang Peishan ; Gemini
9th June 1992
Primary School: Min Xin Primary School & Geylang Methodist Primary School
Msn & Friendster: peishan_92@hotmail.com.
About me: i'm attached and being love deeply by my boyf. I enjoy freedom and easily being cheer up with jus sweeties !


Good O level results
going overseas for holidays
lap top
special bdae celebration(s)
never ending love with boyf
longer and perm hair





June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009


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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

whoots, long time didnt blog properly lia0s. firstly was busy wib work, second is lazy. hahaas. 2 more weeks to school reopen. mock exams, prelim O lvl coming. sigh. coursework deadline is reaching too. i must b motivated !!

recently, was quarreling over small little bit thing wib boyf. sigh, you nvr n0e how much i love you. times and times, i wish to let go, but i cant, reali i cant. since e day, i cry so bitterly for wad you hab done, you hab say, as you hab threaten me. i wan to go, but i cant lie to myself say i can let you go. i wish all things will gone, and we will b fine.

almost every day went home late. went to pei boyf help uncle, playing mahjong, hab been neglecting my school work. ah ha, gonna work very hard to get good result.
went out on last sunday wib my 3 BESTIES. know wad, they're simply irreplacable. i love them lots. i know i've been neglecting them sometimes, long time didnt went out tgt lia0s. i felt so happy, well. got someone say ask us dun b late, but she was e one who late. l0lols. after tat went marina, intention of catching movie, but after some little dicussion, we decided go play L4D instead. so went NEW YORK NEW YORK eat. wan eat yuki yaki derhs, but it got time limit, so we dun wan. NYNY is nice, but onli e mussels. no offence. headed to bugis, pei yishi buy her things, dhen she and jiemin go look for frenz, and me and huiying went shisha to wait for them. me and huiying was falling asleep as we are very tired and we are in a comfortable place. so yishi and jiemin chose to shisha coke plus mint. e smoke was unpleasent to me. somehow, e waiter take e whole plastic wib e cake inside come out. l0lols. spoilt yishi derhs plan. but i was very surprised, lots of words i wanted to say, but is too mushy to say out. i reali grateful to them, i reali love them and thks them for everything. after tat, jiemin wan go find her frenz so didnt went for L4D. went to bus stop, our bus 63 is gone, but huiying and yishi bus come shortly, they are so happy tat our bus is gone but their bus reach early dhen us. luckily, our bus come right after them again. whoots. chatted on bus wib jiemin. long time didnt catch up lia0s. after tat, boyf come bus stop meet me, dhen rode me go eat and after tat went ubi help uncle. dhen went leonard hse slept.


Blogged @ 9:31 AM

Friday, June 5, 2009

well, didnt turn up for remedial. think gonna scold. partly bc0s i'm working. sigh. needed to rush up coursework soon. gonna pass up by end of next week. i MAKE SURE i pass up on time. if not, i will keep on dragging. O lvl coming. mock exams, prelim. stressed up. sigh. i wanna relax !!

haven slep e whole day, unexpectly, later i still hab to go work. tired. wondering will i fall asleep ? c0s i working at other places from leonard. alone. sigh. hate e feeling. but no chocie. ppl hab to b independent one day right ? i gonna catch some nap.

well, i didnt slept e whole day, scared you nvr wake up. in e end ? sigh. i dun wanna say anymore. everything you right, i was in a wrong. i'm very tired. why he jus dun wan understand and admit tat he was in a wrong too ? mayb i care and concern him in a worng way. forget it. he alway hab sometime to rebut my quarrel, my words. i cant win against his mouth. but seriously, i'm already tired. gib me a break will you ?


Blogged @ 9:07 AM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

yeah, i think i did badly for my O lvl MT. e compo questions was kinda hard to write. but paper 2 is easier. think i will score b4 ? hopefully i can get A. but inpossible ? well, its over. no point thinking abt it.

things are happening everyday. all bad for me. i'm stressed up !


Blogged @ 6:33 AM

Monday, June 1, 2009

i here blogging again. jus now went search boyf's buddha plate for him. i feel so guilty. if it not bc0s of him, not bc0s i provoked my kor, so they fight. he wun lose it. wad shall i do ? there nth i can repay him, there nth to amend for him. i feel like dying. buying a new one for him not gonna solve e problems. e plate was wib him for 15 yrs. i so lose. nth i do seem right. i'm a failure. i felt so regret. i feel so indebted to him. i dun wanna see him sad. but wad shall i do ? where can i gonna find it back for him ? sigh. i'm sorry my dear. i didnt expect you to forgib me tis time. i hab make a big mistake, tat will nvr b amend unless found e plate back. god, help me pls.


Blogged @ 3:34 AM

long time since i last update a proper post. well, i hab been skipping school for whole of one week. intensive MT is not for me. sigh. i feel guilty toward my daddy. she must be bored without me chatting wib her. ohhs well, not i wan skip, sometimes is purely i didnt wake up. i tends to sleep alot. sometimes, i jus dunn0e why,. e temptation of not going school was overwhelming. i force myself to and fro. but, simply not against e good and nice temptation tat i can get some rest.

alot of things not done, alot of matter happening. god, i'm breaking down.

ppl, advise not to assume things by ur confidence. it led to greater disappointment. same as e case i'm facing now. ppl assume me, i assume things. ppl does change. not everyone will be e same prefect person as wad ur mind think or imagine. it time for me to grow up. i hab been in such pain for quite a long time. i didnt say, c0s i reali dunn0e wad to do. i'm helpless. i'm jus a small little tiny girl. i'm emotional. i likes to cry. tat all wad i will do when facing problems. i didnt hab e courage to face it. dun care wad ppl think is wad i will say. i like to run away from e reality. but it does not help. in fact, making things even worst. wad to do. i'm oso very hurt down my heart, who ever know my pain ? mayb i'm selfish, i think onli for myself, but wad can i do ? stuck in between, being threaten all tat ? sometimes i hab enough. wish i got more courage to suicide.

boyf and i was having hard time. every things are seems against us. i dunn0e. his temper was reali bad. but he reali very good to me. i'm sad bc0s he is streesed. i'm happy bc0s his smile. i hope every crsis will get over soon. boyf oso tell me and correct me from my wrongs doing. but my stubborness led to argue. c0s i will fight saying i was not in a wrong. i wun tell ppl how i feel. c0s, i think, hpw i feel does not matter. to me, wad matter most is my loved ones feel. i can suffer in silent. i can cry alone. as long as they are no problems create. who know my pain ? different ppl got different stands, tat why, me and boyf often quarrel bc0s of different views. well, i dun blame him. i noe i was over board sometimes, neglecting his feeling. i jus need time to get things right.

todae, jus bc0s small little thing,causing many trouble. jus bc0s i took my kor key out. dhen my kor kor not at home. so my kor didnt hab key to go out. dhen he called my kor kor. asking either one of us to go back get him e keys. but none of us did, but to hang his call and ignore his calls. he went mad ? usinh hammer to break e lock. he manage to broke it. and went my frenz hse find us. well. he angry and throw e lock, and hit until crystal leg. poor things. she so innocent. dhen we go out talk. my kor shout at me, so i reply him by shouting too. dhen he ask me called my kor kor. i say i not his dog. so in e end, he beat me. boyf see till angry, fight wib my kor. fortunately, still manage to stop them. went downstair talk, bc0s my frenz neighbour KPO ! downstair, kor kor and kor quarrel and fight again. wth. but they stop it. kor ko was angry bc0s crystal, e victim was his girlf. so my kor say, i stand here let you throw e lock at me. dots. but kor kor say no, but instead wanted him to apologise to crystal. everything ends. sigh. small thiongs create big trouble. i hope, tis kind of incident would not happen again.

after e incident, boyf talk to me. telling me next time how could i solve e matters. but kana scold by me. i n0e he meant well. but i jus dunn0e why i'm liddat. sigh.

let put aside those unhappy things. later got O lvl MT paper. well. i hope i'm prepared for it. GOOD LUCK ! my bdae oso reaching soon !


Blogged @ 12:00 AM