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{♥}Nothing is the best, stay in my memory.


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Huang Peishan ; Gemini
9th June 1992
Primary School: Min Xin Primary School & Geylang Methodist Primary School
Msn & Friendster: peishan_92@hotmail.com.
About me: i'm attached and being love deeply by my boyf. I enjoy freedom and easily being cheer up with jus sweeties !


Good O level results
going overseas for holidays
lap top
special bdae celebration(s)
never ending love with boyf
longer and perm hair





June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009


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Thursday, October 30, 2008


msg him and didnt reply. i'm in a clubbing mood man !


Blogged @ 10:50 AM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


wish him but he didnt reply my msg. humphs ! i'm lazy and nth to blogggg.


Blogged @ 10:49 AM

Monday, October 27, 2008

woke up, eat malaria pill without eating. end up. suffering. VOMIT ! dear was angry me, as he keep tell me eat lers dhen eat medicine. but i dun listen to him and say nvm. dhen went eat lunch wib dear and slack. and mahjong again. -.-''


Blogged @ 10:43 AM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

day 1 - 19th oct
arrived at siem reap international hotel at ard 9 plus singapore time. their time there is one hrs before singapore time.we headed to eat our breakfast. e things and table there are...... so my table of frenz, use tissuse and wipe it again. hab chicken noodle, but taste ok ok, but i didnt manager to eat finish. after breakfast, check in hotel and put our things. thks vic for helping me carry up to 3rd floor where my foom is.
set off to angkor wat. e weather ws damn hot ?! i was lazy to walk. but angkor wat is interesting, its big, unique and historical. while we are headed back to bus, many small kids are surrounding us to persuading us help them buy their products. alright, they are pitiful. they should b studying in school. but we didnt buy from them as e price not reasonable. went lunch. lunch was quite nice larhs.
raining, and we got to continue our walk at 'tree in temple'. its was fun and we got to climb here and there. dhen headed to a hill to see sunset. unfortunately, we reach there too early and e sky was foggy and cloudy, cant see sunset. sigh ! wasted ! dhen went back hotel bath and dinner time ! i was sweating like hell ! i wanna bath.
went back hotel, stupid locker cant open. spend plenty of time opening it. grrr. thks vic help me open and chengwei for lending me new locker. need to bath very quickly as time for meeting is soon ! but in e end still late !
dinner was having buffet. alright. we wear like ....... going market. -.-'' e food was not nice, so didnt eat many. vic they all was like, 'eat for revenge'. after tat went back hotel debrief. i was tired, so chatted wib chengwei till half jiu fall asleep.
day 2 - 20th oct
woke up late and was being fine $1 US. grrr. ytd air con was soooo cold till i cant sleep. QAD mp3 on so loud. set off to rice soup programme in a village. play wib e kids while some are cooking. there are so friendly and cute ?! they will come hug you auto derhs. after tat, went for a river cruise. so lame. -.-'' lunch at proyouth village. e food there was like, rice, vege and soup. gonna slim down lia0s. its was not nice oso. muslim food nicer. headed off to BBLC. we gonna walk 500m. cow dungs are everywhere. its smell, omqqs ?! faint* my life gonna suffer ! BBLC was small and stuffy.
went for road repair. sun was so merciless. gonna hab tanned skin soon ?! its was tiring, smelly. ): i wanna go home. but i cant gib up ! jiayou ! we gonna carry buckets of sand. after tat, dinner and debrief. and off to bath dhen sleep.
there is no growth in comfort zone,
there is no comfort in growth zone
happiness does not come from rich or poor.
there two sentence was being taught during debrief. meainingful right ?!
day 3 - 21st oct
different ppl are sick everyday, when will b my turn ?! braekfast, eat onli 1 slice of bread. todae gonna teach lesson. its was kidda bored. after lesson, play musical chair and i won ! l0lols, stupid sze yee make me giddy by dun stop e music. humphs ! play ' blow wind blow' and 'i love you' game. lunch and dhen went for road repair. boys are doting on gals. they keep carry 2 pills ! dhen dinner, bath, debrief and sleep. i was tired.
day 4 - 22th oct
teaching proverb. very hard to let them understand. everyday, same routine, woke up at 6.30, eat and prepare for lesson. lunch dhen road building, dinner and debrief dhen sleep. sigh ! i miss singapore. alright, todae, generator spoilt so hab to brush teeth wib water tat got mud taste. digusting. i was crying while brushing teeth. ): road building was raining. dinner finally got eggs ! whoots. vic keep scaring us on our way back. grrrr, i wan revenge ! saw shooting star. e sky there was beautiful ?! full of star.
day 5 - 23rd oct
lesson teaching proverbs and origami. during lunch, our turn to wash plate, sze yee fell down and her knee was swollen so she cant go road building. dunn0e wan piti or envy her. its was raining when go road building. my musscle was aching ! got to walk on rocky rock. and me and eileen run back to bath ! hahaas. i hab ppl to lobang me and QAD on motor to e place we ate and vic piggy back me back ! whoots. chatted and laughed tgt. i die die oso dun wanna get down walk. too tired. generator spoilt ! no electricity. lucky, i bath already.
day 6 - 24th oct
counted down to go back singapore. and todae is e last lesson. ohhs well, i feel ..... sad. we teach mass dance and play game. a guy sang song for me and chengwei. quite nice. i will miss e time here. ): visit a high school after lunch. waited very long for their director ( principal ) its was raining heavily. everyone was falling asleep. saw one of e student there. went to a class social interact and end wib a sone " top of the world ". on our way back, saw e student again. he request taking photo tgt. so we took, dhen they disia0 me, say onli me and him take tgt. -.-''
road building, we onli do ard 1 hrs plus. but e distance very long and rocky. saw e student again. so coincidence ?! took phot wib e workers dhen back BBLC. first to bath again ! bath finish e generator broke down. lucky ! ms khairin was sick. poor thing. get well soon ! dhen see cambodian frenz dance. hot dance ! dhen motor go and vic piggy back me back.
day 7 - 25th oct
breakfast, dhen pack up. its was sooooooo dusty. keep sneezing. walk to silk farm. so far. and chengwei and QAD was playing wib e silk worm. so disgusting can ?! went to e factory where they produce silk. chengwei and QAD ate e worm. omqqs. i gonna faint* QAD keep sucking e worm in her mouth dun wanna swallow.-.-'' on our way back to BBLC, saw a baby rat in e middle of road. vic throw it by e side of e grasss. cruellll. went back BBLC and take things and get ready to go. one of e student cor e in charge and ask me to listen. he oso wrote me letter tat took him 2 hrs ?! he say he love me in phone and letter. l0lols. i was shocked. he come pei me walk to proyouth village eat. i was soooo paiseh. he keep ask me for answer abt he love me. -.-'' i was like shy, say dunn0e. he cant bear to leave.
check in hotel and went to old market. BARGAIN TIME ! brought clothes and etc. nth to buy oso. back to hotel and went 'resturant' eat. quite nice. went night market. same as old market. -.-'' walk to lucky mall. finally got air con ! whoots. chengwei treat me and QAD ice cream. dhen sit tutu car back hotel. e driver went wrong place. alright, e ride was adventous and dangerous. debrief and sleep. come 'auntie'. SUAY ! dhen sleep at zann room.
day 8 - 26th oct
woke up prepare and went hotel. got to transfer plane. troublesome. dhen while transfer plane, we bought food eat, but hab to take away c0s we gonna board on plane. alright, mao mao is vomiting beside us, chengwei so bad. keep laughing. grrr. dhen in e end, we fall asleep. i miss cambodia, i reali reali miss. sigh ! reach singapore ard 1 plus. thks QAD and her father for riding me home. dhen msg dear. he was so happy larhs. eat malaria pill dhen eat seaweed. in e end, all i vomit out. -.-'' dhen dear bought tempura for us eat. its was nice ! dhen mahjong.
if ever i hab a chance, i wanna go cambodia again. although suffering, but its make me learn alot of things and experience.


Blogged @ 9:18 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

i'm still packing my things. dunn0e wad to pack. gal are more troublesome ?! hahaas. 3 more hrs i'm going cambodia. frenz, do miss me. hope e whole journey i b safe and sound. (: i miss my dear lots !


Blogged @ 12:01 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

ytd, dear ton at my hse. whoots, first time mans ! c0s mummy and daddy go malaysia ! no one at home !! hahaas, we on air con sleep. but dear was not use to. he keep sneeze and cant get to sleep. i was waken up by his turning many times. i still help him cover blanket. wow, wad a simple life right ?! hahaas. morning, wake up didnt see dear. he took my kep go out, and close my door. i n0e he sure dunn0e how open my door. end up, as i guess. hahaas, wanna pretend to b sleeping, but like very bad. dear fry wu dong mian for me. not bad larhs. he oso first time frying. dhen watch dvd and wait for ah qiang come and play mahjong.

went citi plaza change money. unfortunately, didnt get smaller change. got to change it at air port. dhen walk back and buy fish soup as dear suffering from flu. waited so long. grrr. buy mac and went home.

i'm going to pack my stuff. omqqs, so late. will i able to pack finish ?!


Blogged @ 11:15 PM

Friday, October 17, 2008

grrr, woke up late and didnt went school. but hab to go school to take medicine and t-shirt for e trip. so 1 plus, while i was abt to go off, rain so big. i dun wanna b late, so walk wib e rain carrying a umbrella. but, my school still wet, make me soooo uncomfortable. homeworks alot ! sigh. dhen learn dance, breifing and was being release after tat. hear mummy nagging awhile c0s she going malaysia, and i'm going cambodia. after they went off, dear come my hse, dhen crystal. dhen they play mahjong, while i was in room, wib air con, enjoying my show. my date is a vampire 2 !

sorrie dear, i n0e i not good in expressing my words.


Blogged @ 11:00 PM

Thursday, October 16, 2008

todae, didnt went school too. too lazy perharps. me and dear hab quarrel over e same issuse over and over again. sadly, i mention e word ' break up' again. and i cause dear to b very sad. sigh, he so caring yet, i still broke his heart.

dear, i'm tired. do understand me. we stand in different position. sigh. dear, i dun wanna lose you. i'm a timid gal. i n0e i not so wei da. i n0e i'm silly. i n0e my attitude and thinking cause you alot unhappiness and miserable.


Blogged @ 10:56 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

todae, school admin day. so didnt went school. dear come find me in e morning i guess ?! dhen we watch tv and chatted. finally, i carry out all my courage and tell him my troubles and sadness. i cry when i say tat. but he promised me not to tell. he wasnt happy. i n0e he wasnt. when play mahjong, he throughout face black black. after dhen. back home sleep.

sorrie dear. and oso thks. ur words are sweet. i n0e you will protect me. i love you. but sorrie to cause you miserable. but i dun wan lie to you anymore. sigh.


Blogged @ 10:52 PM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

todae, we plan tgt not to go school. as results all gotten. sleep till 11 plus todae. dhen meet precious go eat lunch. he was having stomach upset. sigh, poor him. kana torture by his own stomach. hahaas. went ntuc walk alone while waiting for him. decide to cook tempura golen mushroom. buy e ingredients dhen pei crystal go see doctor. clinic open at 6.30, 1 more hrs to go. so went mac eat and sae mummy chris. he so flirttt larhs. HONGSTER HIM ! grrr. i disia0 and suan him. hahaas, he almost cant take it ?! dhen went clinic and home. dhen prepare to cook. its turn out quite nice ?! but weird as lack of one dunn0e wad powder. sigh ! i wanna eat fried sotonggg.

cheer up CRYTSAL, dun scare urself. mayb we dun understand ur pain. but we are there to support you. (: JIAYOU !

tmr interview ?! or will continue to drag onnn.


Blogged @ 7:07 AM

Monday, October 13, 2008

i drag myself from my sleep. almost cant wake up. -.-'' went school. found out tat i pass my english. whoots. fail maths, science, geography, f&n. sigh. kidda disappointed wib my results larhs. after school, went briefing till 6 plus. omqqqs. cambodia trip is coming ! i dunn0e shall i b joyful over it ?! c0s i b missing precious mucchh. ): 8 days is long ! somemore, there is very dangerous ?! and ppl there are so conservative. got alot of rule and their language is soooo hard to pronunce. went home and buy food.

ohhs well, we gonna walk in interview for job. but dunn0e will drag till when dhen interview. -.-'' i dun wanna lead my life in tis. at least, get a part time job still can earn money and at e same way, kill time ?!

i'm tired, gonna sleep.


Blogged @ 7:02 AM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

morning. suddenly wake up. oso dunn0e why. strange* dhen went toilet, see precious sleeping at living room. -.-'' dun wanna disturb him. as he woke up easily. so went back sleep. precious dhen come my room sleep. but end up, we both oso cant sleep. -.-'' dhen precious gonna buy food for us. i lazy gooo. hahaas. dhen he went wib kor kor to buy food. CRYSTAL ! he having flu right ?! hahaas* she kill me if i say out ?! humphs. they buy pig organs soup when my both choosy kor dun eat pig organs all tat ?! they are sooo lame. after tat, play mahjong again.

sigh, i'm worry for my results.


Blogged @ 6:57 AM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

my everyday was jus like e same. sigh. wake up, rotted. see dvd, mahjong and sleep. -.-'' i'm getting bored. okay, now i was hoping for next clubbing to come. its been a long time since i went. todae, precious bought food from ASTRONS for me. omqqs. so sweet of him. he still take cab come bc0s scared food cold. its was kidda cheap but expensive for a meal ?! after finish eating, watch tv in room while precious watch his 'movie' at living room. dhen play mahjong when ah qiang come.

night, went buy mac for them. bought one packet hor fun for daddy and 3 meals of mcspicy. like auntie carry sooo much. -.-'' but it worth buying for precious. its was heavy too. hand was tired. ): eat lers, pei them awhile, jiu sleep. tired. yawn !

beauty sleep.


Blogged @ 6:52 AM

Friday, October 10, 2008

HAPPI 16th BDAE JOLENE qin ai de.
sweet 16th arhs.
gonna hab alot of fun ?!

todae overslept, didnt wake up go school. sorrie qad, didnt mean to left you alone larhs. reali cant wake up. -.-'' think c0s ytd walk till tired. anddd, i swear no more high heels next shopping. grrr. and ytd was kidda embarrased. saw wan, zul and amir. so suayyy. todae, gonna rot at home. sigh.

i gonna work during holiday !


Blogged @ 6:48 AM

Thursday, October 9, 2008

finally ! end of exams ! whoots ! SHOPPING TIME !

meeting crystal went bugis walk walk shop shop. meet her ard 3. dhen i was late. go long john eat dhen shop. see some nice clothes and shorts. in e end. onli buy 1 pants, shirt and slippers. humphs ! my leg sooooo tired. buy sushi and after tat quarrel wib him. so pei crystal went buy her things. dhen go back to e shop where i saw e pants, try e pants soooo many times. wanna buy pink colour no more so brought a black one. me and crystal brought same one. its nice. dhen buy tempura and cab home play mahjong.

dear, i'm sorrie for breaking my promise, i dun wish to. but i reali dun feel secure. sigh.


Blogged @ 12:18 AM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

F&N paper was normal, but i didnt n0e how to do. so i wrote crap. teacher gonna faint wan she see it ?! wakakaas. went home meet ah wee and precious go eat. dhen on our way, saw yishi and she go tgt. when eating, having a great time wib yishi, joke, talk abt past. dhen decide went tnet sing songs. its gonna rain. but i hab my umbrella. hohoho. went yishi hse, play wib her hamster while waiting her bath. slack for 1 hrs and ah wee and precious are waiting for us. dhen take clothes back home and CHOCOLATE FROM YISHI FRIDGE. l0lols. she got 1 whole box. dhen went down, thought my handphone left in yishi's hse, went back again, but handphone was wib me.

tmr last paper. whoots ! gonna shopping !

msg jiemin ask her come down. c0r ah qiang whole day but no listen. all thought he disappear. wanna go his hse find him. dhen he c0r us say he OT. dhen they go eat, i go home see tv and bath. going pei them play mahjong. zzz. -.-''


Blogged @ 12:11 AM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

todae, no paper. so rotted at home. sigh ! meet precious go eat lunch, chatted dhen went shop and save walk. humphs. i was shocked. he hab e same habit as me. SMELL SHAMPOO ! l0lols. and he oso hab e same thinking of leading simple life. like, free go shop for daily products and food. its simple, but many ppl dun go for it and prefer complicated. after tat, went home.

at night see them play mahjong.
tmr F&N gonna study ! hope will b easy, too much to memorise.


Blogged @ 12:07 AM

Monday, October 6, 2008

todae, having chinese and chemistry paper. omqqs ?! its damn hard l0rhs. all i dunn0e e chapter come out. -.-'' shag mans ! ): after tat, went changi hospital for jabs to go for cambodia. take height and weight, found myself shorter and slim down 1 kg+ ?! wakakaas. taking jabs nid to go through many stages. see doctor, take high blood pressure all tat. so troublesome. i was so scared of taking it. unfortunately, i was e first. i almost crying out. PAIN ! dhen waited and take shuttle bus go simei. eaten and shop awhile in east point. mrt home. going meet them at ah qiang hse, but conclusion, come my hse.

quarrel wib precious. he sometimes, simply sux ! grrr, he gonna pissed me off, but i n0e, in e end. we b okay. humphs.


Blogged @ 11:59 PM

Sunday, October 5, 2008

i rmb vividly tat precious disturb me from my sleep ytd. grrrrr. ytd night, they go again. i was too tired, so didnt wake up go. wake up in e middle of night, c0s stomach pain. -.-'' morning, precious brought me zhong zi. hahaas, he know i wun eat if he nvr buy, so sweet of him. dhen they went converse warehouse. dear brought me 1 shorts 1 pants. thks. dhen went ah qiang hse play mahjong. air con ! whoots. dhen i was playing word search puzzle. was fun larhs. dhen compete wib dear, he lose to me. wakakaka ! after tat went home sleep.

i miss him, he gonna work soon.


Blogged @ 6:41 PM

Saturday, October 4, 2008

yawn, jus come back from east coast. i'm tired although i went there still sleep in tent. reach home ard 9 plus, dhen slack. out of e sudden, a small eagle fly into my hse. precious was trying to get him off, but instead his flew in. -.-'' i was scared. c0s e eagle wib red eyes, so FIERCE. humphs. dhen he go closed windows and catch it wib net. i go c0r ah wee. bleahhs. dhen e eagle trying to flew away, ah wee accidentally press on its tail of feathers, and broke it. omqqs, it was so pathetic larhs e eagle. actually was so nice and pretty, after tat, become ugly duckling. -.-'' l0lols. e eagle oso shit on my room, its too scared. dhen decided to let him off, and he flew as far as he could. after tat, bath and sleep.

so tired, but at least, its was interesting.


Blogged @ 6:36 PM

Friday, October 3, 2008

after my paper, went back home. rotted. humphs. dhen ah wee and precious cook BAK KUT TAY for me. hahaas, although it wasnt very nice, but too me, its reali nice. c0s precious scare i say spicy. after tat, rotted and went kelvin hse. they chat wib his daddy, dhen go back my hse downstair. precious wasnt reali happi and angry. dhen quarrel. sigh ! after tat, play mahjong and went east coast fishing. his gonna lobang me. (:

quarrel over some stupid things. but its okay after awhile. believe in me. and dun compare both of us tgt lers. its hurt. sorrie tat i n0e and still keep on msg him.

precious, no more quarreling and say out ur worries.
iloveyou. x3


Blogged @ 6:26 PM

Thursday, October 2, 2008

todae no exams. so no nid go school. but still, wake up early to c0r kor wake up for work. humphs ! dhen precious come pei me, we chatted. and promised each other not to bc0s of angry jiu mention BREAK ! wakakaas, i reali great things are going on smootly for me and him. seriously, i dunn0e whether will we last. but now, i jus wan cherish him. after tat, went back sleep went precios went off. he was tired, he hardly sleep. poor thing. heart pain. ):

at night, they playing mahjong again. sigh.

okay, i kidda surprise by ur action. zzz. it was sooooo random and sudden. i dun reali believe it. even you prove, its nid time. i dun like to waste ppl time. and we already break for 2 yrs plau and haven been contacting wib each other. out of sudden ?! you liddat ?! who will believe ?! zzz/ go find one who love you and you love better dhen wasting ur time on me. good luck in finding ur ms RIGHT ! (:


Blogged @ 4:19 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

ytd pei them play mahjong till morning 5 plus. zzz. cant tahan so went sleep. i hope, they wun play mahjong todae.

wake up ard 5 plus. watch tv and after tat, they play mahjong again. i alway saw black face. zzz. more blacker dhen bao gong larhs. -.-'' grrrr. everytime mahjong, didnt they hab something better to do ?! sigh !

wad kind of life i'm leading ?!


Blogged @ 3:41 PM